
the problem child is an enemy of glass
all of the breaks and chips and scrapes and cracks
that covered all of our muddy
dusty and winding tracks
but laid me down to sleep
in our search to be so fine
where I walk the plank
and you toe the line
to be like me

on my killing spree
hunting hearts like mine
we bleed and fall
drag and haul
one last brick
atop the wall
to sleep
and dream

who is the enemy of glass?
things that break have been broken for a long while now
the problem child repairs that which melts into itself
he rips it from the sack
admires it contently upon the mantel
It shines
It shines


(Liam J.D McNicoll) I work as a welder in Falkirk, Scotland and detest every nanosecond of doing so, these poems are a brief and silly escape.

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