
You lay back on a hay bale, looking up
The golden rays shining down,
you’re sulking in your soul
Stand up and take a look around
Feel the feels, the vibrations
the moths’ buzz, cuckoos’ frequencies surround

Watch the harvesters work, scythes in tune
Blood and sweat dripping
under straw hats strewn
Sky can heal the tethered hearts
People can be false, dragonflies surreal
Fill your soul’s trenches with the sun, moon and earth.

Don’t be tied down by thoughts that so sigh
and watch the sands of time slip away
Listen to your body,
grow your mind; let your farmland shine
Mud and swine, grape yard vines smelling a fine wine.


Ruchi Acharya is a writer hailing from Mumbai, India. She’s the Founder and CEO at Wingless Dreamer Publisher. Her publishing company works for the welfare of writers and artists all across the globe to gain recognition and appreciation for their work. She strongly believe in preserving literature, culture and history by rejuvenating and introducing the same through her products and services. Her work has been published in more than 100 journals all around the world. Her poetry book, Off the Cliff is now available on Amazon. Her website is here.

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